Mel Schwartz, LCSW

For the Sake of the Children

I’ve often heard people in conflicted and unhappy marriages claim that they are staying together for the sake of the children. Their implied message is… Continue reading For the Sake of the Children

Would You Like to Be the Partner I Want You to Be?

In my role as a relationship therapist, I’ve begun prompting couples to ask their partners, “Would you like to be the person that I’m asking… Continue reading Would You Like to Be the Partner I Want You to Be?

#004: Getting Past the Argument — Why Is It So Important to Be Right?

The compulsion to be “right,” the need to win the argument, can be mind-numbing. This tendency withers our relationships. Mel Schwartz asks the question, “Would… Continue reading #004: Getting Past the Argument — Why Is It So Important to Be Right?